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Packages in Go and Other Things

  • Packages in Go are the building blocks of Go programs that divide the content into understandable parts

  • you can import similar packages in this format

    import (
    jpackage ""
    // use it this way
  • To import a package that you won't use mainly because the presence of the package causes something to happen, you can do it by prepending an underscore(_) before the package name like so

    package main
    import (
    	_ "sync"
  • The entrance point for any Go binary is a package named main that has a function called main()

  • The init function runs before the main() function, this is useful in situations where you need to assign command line flags to variables before you call the main function.

  • Go is a statically typed language

  • In a statically typed language, the type is both what is stored in the variable and what can be stored in the variable.

  • Go Built-in Types

    • bool
    • string
    • struct
    • byte (alias for uint8)
    • rune (alias for int32) - representation of a utf-8 character. done by adding a single quote before a value
    • float32 float64
    • int int8 int16 int32 int64
    • uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
    • uintptr - holds a pointer address
    • complex64 complex128 - complex numbers
  • package level → meaning outside a function

  • you can only declare a variable like this within a function

    hello := "this is a test"
  • The important thing to remember when using := is that it means create and assign. If the variable already exists, you cannot use :=, but you must use =, which does only an assignment.

  • A scope is the part of a program in which a variable can be seen.

  • Go has the following variable scope:

    • Package scope → declared outside a function
    • Function scope → declared in a function
    • Statement scope → declared in a statement within a function (for loop, if/else)

Best practices for packaging your Go Code

  • make your struct and interfaces in uppercase so that you can access them directly
  • The idea is to make sure to have less code in the main.go function
  • use a pointer when making a change to a variable in a struct and want to persist the change