


goignore is a lightweight Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for generating .gitignore files based on the programming language you're using. It helps you easily create .gitignore files for your projects by either specifying a programming language or automatically detecting it from the files in your project directory.

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kpeek is a command-line tool that aggregates describe output, container logs, and (optionally) events for a given Kubernetes resource. It simplifies debugging and provides a clean, colorized, human-readable report.

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DevOps Learning Plan

DevOps Learning Plan

This is my DevOps learning plan for the year 2024, it consists of both paid courses and free courses, pick as you wish and create your own learning plan.

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DevOps Project

DevOps Project

This website runs inside its own Docker container, behind a Traefik reverse proxy with a Docker provider, with an automatic TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt, deployed via GitLab CI/CD, to a server managed with Ansible.

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